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Scouting a New Route Along Wheelers Gulch’s East Rim

On August 17 after an unusually long dry spell in Western Newfoundland, IATNL/CABOX Director Paul Wylezol set off from the Lewis Hills Trail’s northern trailhead in search of a hiking route to the east rim of Wheelers Gulch on the northeast corner of the Lewis Hills, then returned via the relatively dry Blue Hill Brook…

Exploring the Western Blow Me Downs

Though it was a little warm for hiking, the occasional cloud and ocean breeze made for a pleasant 12-hour 23km trek into the remote western Blow Me Down Mountains on August 11. The goal was to find an access to/from the mountains below Round Hill and The Haystacks (the highest peaks on the Blow Me…

In Search of St Gregory’s Cross

On the morning of July 23, IATNL directors Paul Wylezol and Delano Pittman set off in pickup truck down a gravel road just south of Trout River, heading to the remote resettled community of Chimney Cove on the gulf coast about midway between Trout River and the Bay of Islands. They were on a mission…

Exploring a New Route to Man In The Mountain

On May 21, IATNL Directors Paul Wylezol and Delano Pittman took advantage of a beautiful day during an ideal time of year to make an exploratory bushwhacking trek up a prominent ridge in the lower Humber Valley to find a new scenic route to Arne’s Lookout, 1.6 kms (1 mile) west of Man In The…

IATNL Directors Visit AT Southern Terminus

On March 15, IATNL Directors Arne Helgeland and Paul Wylezol visited the Appalachian Trail Basecamp in Amicalola Falls State Park near the southern terminus of the AT at Springer Mountain, Georgia. The basecamp is the starting point for south to northbound treks of the Appalachian Trail from nearby Springer Mountain to Mount Katahdin in Maine,…

Report Identifies Keys to Developing Tourism

City of Corner Brook staff are stressing the importance of a collaborative tourism approach with the completion of the STAR (Strategic Tourism for Areas and Regions) Report. The report, a tourism plan developed for the Corner Brook/Bay of Islands/Lower Humber Valley region, was released publicly Nov. 18.

Humber Valley Trail part of 2020 STEEP Ultra

On September 5, 2020, nearly 200 trail runners will descend on the Humber Valley to participate in Newfoundland’s first 100-kilometer ultramarathon trail race or shorter 50km race, both including the entire length of the IATNL Humber Valley Trail from Ballam Bridge to Humber Village. The region’s first ultramarathon, STEEP ULTRA, will enable runners to “experience…

MUN Geologist Andy Kerr on BOI Ophiolites

In 2019, MUN Adjunct Professor Dr. Andy Kerr set his sights on the Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex, beginning with a July trek of the Blow Me Down Mountains with Cabox Aspiring Geopark Chairperson Paul Wylezol, followed by an October article entitled Exploring a Famous Ophiolite: A Guide to the Bay of Islands Igneous Complex…

City Approves Report Supporting Geopark

Cabox Geopark is one step closer to coming to fruition. After a Corner Brook city council meeting on Nov 18, the project now has the support of every community in the Bay of Islands region. The council approved and accepted the Strategic Tourism Areas and Regions Plan (STAR) report, a strategic tourism development plan for…

Ulster Ireland Meeting at AMC in Boston

On November 13, IAT Co-Chairs Don Hudson of Maine and Paul Wylezol from Newfoundland joined Ulster Ireland mayors Michaela Boyle (Derry City and Strabane) and Nicholas Crossan (Donegal County) at a meeting with Appalachian Mountain Club President John Judge and Conservation and Recreation Director Heather Clish at their new headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.

Work Continues on Stone Brook Basecamp

During 2019, the IATNL made significant strides in completing its Cabox Geopark basecamp at Stone Brook (aka Stowbridges) in North Arm, Bay of Islands. The two-storey former fisherman’s house will serve as a start/end point for 2-3 day treks across the North Arm Hills to/from Trout River. This year’s work included the installation of new…

New Signage for Humber Valley Trail

In 2019 the IATNL added new signage to the Humber Valley Trail, including directional signage and memorial interpretive panels at both Scott’s Lookout on the west side of Wild Cove Valley and Barry’s Lookout above Humber Village. The latter two were designed in the James Cook inspired style of the new trailhead sign at Ballam…

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