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IATNL Attends Boston Travel Show

From February 19 to 21, IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol, Communications Director Greg Wood, and Treasurer Kevin Noseworthy attended the Boston Globe Travel Show. The IATNL was an exhibitor with its own booth to promote the International Appalachian Trail. On February 19 they were joined by IAT Maine members Richard Anderson, Will Richard and…

CBPPL and IATNL Create Protected Areas

Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited and the International Appalachian Trail Newfoundland and Labrador have entered into an agreement to protect five areas of western Newfoundland where the trail network plans to expand. The Special Management Areas, to which the paper company holds the timber rights, will have an indefinite moratorium on operations and…

Southwest Coast Meeting

On January 25, IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol and Treasurer Kevin Noseworthy had the good luck of driving to Port aux Basques on a beautiful winter day to attend an IATNL information session. The meeting was well attended by stakeholders from Newfoundland’s southwest coast, and the drive provided good views of the IATNL’s planned…

First Devil’s Bite Trail Hike

The IATNL recently received news and photos from the first complete non-stop Devil’s Bite Trail hike. Though the entire route was bushwacked by IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol over three separate occasions, French adventurers Matthieu Currat and Simen Andersen made the first non-stop 4-day trek in July 2009, before much of the trail was completed.

Autumn On The Hummock

On a sunny October afternoon IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol made a trail blazing trek to the top of the Hummock, located 2kms southwest of Frenchman’s Cove in the beautiful Bay Of Islands. This 1,000ft hill provides fantastic views of the Blow Me Down Mountains, Bay of Islands, North Arm Hills, and Humber Arm.

Work Progressing On Devil’s Bite Trail

With 3 inches of snow on the ground and more falling, IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol and trail workers Caroline Swan, Katie Broadhurst, Curtis Payne, Tyler Grant, David Simms and Trent Foster set out late one October afternoon across Parsons Pond for a week of trail work inside Western Brook Gulch and Parsons Pond Inner Pond.

Blazing Trail Through Western Brook Gulch

In late August local outfitter Randy Parsons gave IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol and trail workers Curtis Payne and Trent Foster a boat ride across Parsons Pond to the Devil’s Bite Trail southern trailhead. From there the three hiked deep into scenic Western Brook Gulch while flagging the trail’s southern access route. It was…

Official Naming of French Shore Trail

On October 13 IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol and Trail Director Arne Helgeland attended a meeting in Conche to discuss the development of the Conche to Croque section of trail, and to officially rename it the French Shore Trail. Also in attendance were community leaders from the historic French Shore, as well as representatives from…

IAT Annual General Meeting

On Halloween weekend IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol, Treasurer Kevin Noseworthy and Trail Director Arne Helgeland attended the 2009 IAT Annual General Meeting at Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island. Also present were chapter representatives from Maine, New Brunswick, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and PEI. Guest speakers included PEI Tourism Minister Valerie Docherty and Binational Tourism…

Blazing The Trail From Conche To Croque

In September, College Of The North Atlantic Adventure Tourism Instructor Eugene Flynn accompanied IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol on a 2-day trail blazing trek of the Conche to Croque section of the IATNL along the eastern coast of the Great Northern Peninsula. The trek began with a 5km boat ride from Southwest Crouse into Northeast…

Blazing The Blow Me Down Mountain Trail

In September IATNL Treasurer Kevin Noseworthy and German volunteer Lenny Engelke journeyed into Simms Gulch on their way to trail blazing the barren mountaintop plateau of Blow Me Down Mountain Trail. Accompanying them into the gulch was filmaker Mark Flagler, who was in Newfoundland filming an IATNL promotional video.

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