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First Snowfall On New Humber Village Trail

On December 30, IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol and Vice Chair Arne Helgeland joined Humber Village resident Andrew May on a short one-hour wintery trek of a new access trail connecting the small riverside community to the IATNL’s Humber Valley Trail. The new trail winds its way up a forested hillside to a barren 900…

IAT Annual General Meeting

The International Appalachian Trail held its Annual General Meeting in Dalhousie, New Brunswick on October 28-30, with representatives from Maine, New Brunswick, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland Labrador, and European Coast Alive partner Denmark. The two-day event opened Thursday evening at the Best Western Manoir Adelaide, with a reception and…

Jacques Cartier Memorial Trail

During summer 2010, with oil exploration beginning on the barrens near Parsons Pond, work was completed on the Jacques Cartier Memorial Trail around the circumference of Parsons Pond Head. The landmark is located 1.6 kms (1 mile) from the Gulf coast, and rises to a height of approx. 150 meters (490 feet). From…

IAT Welcomes 9 New European Chapters

On October 7, during the Adventure Travel World Summit in Aviemore, Scotland, the International Appalachian Trail welcomed nine new European chapters to its growing international trail network. Coast Alive partners in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and England, along with partners in Ireland, Wales, the Faroe Islands, and Iceland, joined what is quickly becoming…

Starlight Trail To Cape Ray

In August a group of hikers, including IAT President Paul Wylezol, IATNL Secretary Caroline Swan, and Signage Director Delano Pittman, made a two-day mountain trek from the Starlight Trail in Codroy Valley to Table Mountain east of Cape Ray. The goal was to explore the region for the Grand Codroy Way, to be the…

Taking Flight Over The North Arm Hills

On August 16, IATNL Transportation Director Robert Bradbury took IAT President Paul Wylezol and HEDB Executive Director Connie Taylor on a one-hour flight over the North Arm Hills in his Cesna 172. The goal was to survey potential trail routes from North Arm, Bay of Islands across the hills to Trout River Pond in…

Cruising Into North Arm, Bay of Islands

On July 20 IAT President Paul Wylezol joined a charter cruise of the North Arm of the Bay of Islands to appraise the outdoor adventure potential of the North Arm and Hills. The boat tour was arranged by HEDB and skippered by Cox’s Cove Mayor Tony Oxford, an enthusiastic promoter of the outer Bay…

Clearing a New Section of Indian Lookout Trail

From July 21-24, IAT President Paul Wylezol and volunteers Tupac Norman (aka Cotton Joe) from North Carolina and Curtis Payne from Parsons Pond made a four-day trail cutting trek of the north side of Indian Lookout Trail between Indian Lookout and Portland Creek’s Southwest Feeder. The adventure began with a 45 minute boat ride…

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