In November 2012, Beyond Ktaadn (, a collaborative research and outreach organization focused on alpine landscapes in eastern North America, published an Eastern Alpine Guide including IAT mountains in Maine, Quebec, and Newfoundland.
The project is coordinated and edited by Beyond Ktaadn President Mike Jones and Research Director/Treasurer Lizabeth Willey, with contributions from academics and experts in the U.S. and Canada, as well as IAT Chairperson Paul Wylezol.
The guide is divided into four sections, including a detailed introduction to the geology, climate, vegetation and fauna of the Eastern Alpine Zone, and an analysis of each of the three major alpine regions: South of the St. Lawrence River, Newfoundland, and the Canadian Shield.
It contains easy to read topographical maps
terrific photos of endemic rocks, plants, and animals
and scenic vistas of the various mountains and valleys.
Be sure to pick up a copy of the guide, and learn more about our magnificent mountain landscapes as you walk the IAT in eastern North America!
To download an overview or purchase the Guide, go to the official website at
Or you can place your order at