In 2019, Memorial University of Newfoundland Adjunct Professor and Lecturer Dr. Andy Kerr set his sights on the Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex, beginning with a July trek of the Blow Me Down Mountains with Cabox Aspiring Geopark Chairperson Paul Wylezol, followed by an October article entitled Exploring a Famous Ophiolite: A Guide to the Bay of Islands Igneous Complex in Gros Morne National Park, Western Newfoundland for Geoscience Canada, of which he is scientific editor.

Andy, who is also a geological adviser for Cabox Aspiring Geopark and the International Appalachian Trail (IAT), also accompanied Paul and fellow Cabox/IATNL director Arne Helgeland on a May 2019 geological tour of the IAT and Lochaber Geopark in Scotland.

Andy and Paul’s trek of the Blow Me Down Ophiolite Massif started at the Route 450 intersection with Salt Water Road above Frenchman’s Cove. From there they hiked the Hummock Trail to Blow Me Down Brook, then after crossing the clear-water stream

climbed up The Sands promontory to the top of the mountains.

For more on the story, go to Cabox Geopark website.