In October, the IATNL sponsored Cabox Aspiring Geopark joined the European Union’s Interreg VB Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme’s Drifting Apart project. Its goal is to “unearth and strengthen the understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the fascinating and interconnected geological heritage of the Northern Periphery and Arctic region, and its many links to natural, built and cultural heritage. The project will support the development of new and aspiring Global Geoparks, promote innovative products and services for economic prosperity across the Northern Periphery Region and continue to build a strong network of Northern Periphery Global Geoparks.”
“The geology of the Northern Periphery and Arctic provides a common link between diverse regions. Locally, geodiversity underpins our natural and cultural heritage. It also underpins our economic prosperity, in as much as our economy depends ultimately on natural resources. In a very real sense, geodiversity is fundamental to every aspect of human existence.”
Lead partner Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust, Northern Ireland
“The geology of this region offers a journey through time, insight into the earth’s geological history, and an understanding of economic and social development (past and present), shared across the region. It also offers great opportunities to further develop new economic opportunities, enhance culture and sense of pride in place, and conserve historical links between the regions.”
Partner Magma Geopark, Norway
Drawing upon the diverse expertise of the partners, the project will:
1. Provide shared opportunities for learning about the regions geology and related heritage
2. Enhance visitor opportunities on site and off site
3. Increase visitor numbers into the partners’ areas, diversify visitors from generalistic visitors to specialist visitors, provide economic opportunities for local businesses to capture visitors who are interested in geologic heritage
4. Provide opportunities for all partners to share experiences and learn best practice, and to develop a model for sustainable management of the geological areas designated as Geoparks
Partner Stonehammer Geopark, New Brunswick
Objectives include:
1. Research, identify and promote the common geological heritage of the NPP area
2. Develop quality material for the use of all NPP areas in the development of interpretation and education programmes regarding our common geological heritage
3. Encourage research and the use of new technologies, innovative tools and products (including 3D Mapping and Laser Scanning) to illustrate the common geological heritage of the NPP area
4. Identify, share, celebrate and encourage best practices in the establishment and operation of Geoparks within the NPP area (with particular emphasis on economic and environmental sustainability, innovation and enhanced efficiency
5. To realise the potential of our common geological heritage to provide sustainable economic opportunities for SMEs in the NPP area through the development of a transnational route and connections between Geoparks
Partner North West Highlands Geopark, Scotland
Other partners include
Kenozero National Park, Russia
Katla Geopark, Iceland
Shetland Geopark, Scotland
Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark, Ireland
Geological Survey of Northern Ireland
Reykjanes Aspiring Geopark, Iceland
Saga Aspiring Geopark, Iceland
Cabox Aspiring Geopark, Newfoundland